Get to know Shivani

Shivani was many things; a fashion designer, an artist, a poet, a writer … but more than all of that she was a kind, compassionate woman who was full of love and laughter. Born in Delhi in the 80s, she studied apparel design at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad and after dabbling in some freelance and entrepreneurship, worked as a fashion writer, before switching back to design. She was funny and quirky in her own ways, and loved everything that was colourful. A gifted artist, she wrote and illustrated things that seemed obvious; sunsets, random things in her bag or her favourite season, but with a unique point of view that was so delightful.

In 2015, she was 32 and was diagnosed with breast cancer that had already spread to her lungs. Being diagnosed with a deadly disease, made her go through a journey of self-discovery and loving herself for who she was. She chose art and poetry to express what she was going through. A woman who showed extraordinary grit and grace in the face of a devastating terminal illness, she showed everyone that had the honour of loving her what it means to have a well-lived life with what you are dealt.

I am her life partner and I have no claim to fame, just the fortune of spending a life with an incredible woman. Here are a few glimpses of her life and who she was …

I have a vivid imagination of what she is doing now, wherever she is. She is furiously scribbling on a blank page using her box of crayons, music from the movie Amelie is playing in the background and when a rainbow appears outside her window, she runs outside with a big grin on her face. For the rest of us, a world without Shivani is a world that is less colourful.

